PROJECTS Programmes All ProjectsLifeHorizon EuropeErasmus+ Project Status ALLOngoingCompleted LEAVE NO ONE BEHIND: BOTTOM-UP ENERGY TRANSFORMATION OF LAST-MILE COMMUNITIES...Read more intEgrated protection and Restoration apprOaches for natUral Lake Ecosystems EUROLakes,...Read more The nZEBRA project plans to create and implement an intensive...Read more Waste quantification solutions to limit environmental stress: New tools for...Read more Developing methodologies for the integration of low-grade energy sources into...Read more Agroforestry at the forefront of farming sustainability in multifunctional landscapes...Read more Innovative blockchain traceability technology and Stakeholders’ Engagement strAtegy for boosting...Read more Coldspark Driven Energy and Cost-Efficient Methane Cracking for Hydrogen Production...Read more Smart Response sELf-desInfected biobAsed NanoCoatEd surfaces for healthier environments RELIANCE...Read more Civic engagement of HEI students in the creation of a...Read more Supporting Circular ecOnomy thRough Education The project SCORE aims to...Read more Building dIgital coMpetencies of students and teacHers in construction relateddegrees...Read more Load more (23)
Innovative blockchain traceability technology and Stakeholders’ Engagement strAtegy for boosting...Read more
Smart Response sELf-desInfected biobAsed NanoCoatEd surfaces for healthier environments RELIANCE...Read more