Europroject is a consulting company specialized in the setting-up and management of EU-funded research and innovation projects. We are part of the Italian consultancy Warrant Hub, a member of Tinexta Group.

Our mission is to provide high-quality support to our clients that seek European funding for their research and want to transform their innovations into a sustainable competitive advantage.



Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe is the EU’s key research and innovation framework program for the period 2021-2027. It aims to fund research and innovation projects with a focus on boosting the EU’s competitiveness and еconomic growth, tackling climate change, and achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.


Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. It offers opportunities for mobilities and cooperation in higher education, vocational education and training, school education, adult education, youth and sport.


The LIFE programme is the EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action. The programme focuses on four priority areas: 1) Nature and biodiversity, 2) Circular economy and quality of life, 3) Climate change mitigation and adaptation and 4) Clean energy transition.


  • All Projects
  • Life
  • Horizon Europe
  • Erasmus+


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intEgrated protection and Restoration apprOaches for natUral Lake Ecosystems EUROLakes,...

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The nZEBRA project plans to create and implement an intensive...

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Waste quantification solutions to limit environmental stress: New tools for...

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Developing methodologies for the integration of low-grade energy sources into...

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Agroforestry at the forefront of farming sustainability in multifunctional landscapes...

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Innovative blockchain traceability technology and Stakeholders’ Engagement strAtegy for boosting...

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Coldspark Driven Energy and Cost-Efficient Methane Cracking for Hydrogen Production...

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Smart Response sELf-desInfected biobAsed NanoCoatEd surfaces for healthier environments RELIANCE...

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Civic engagement of HEI students in the creation of a...

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Supporting Circular ecOnomy thRough Education The project SCORE aims to...

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Building dIgital coMpetencies of students and teacHers in construction relateddegrees...

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Our collaboration with Europroject is marked by their great knowledge of EU calls for projects, relevant advice and a real dynamism during setting up the project and building the consortium. Beyond the strictly technical aspects, the EP consultants provide as an in depth understanding of the call and the methodology to structure and write the proposal.

Francoise GORGA, The National Association of Food Industries (ANIA)

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Europroject (EP) has supported ESTIA on the preparation of several European proposals. We appreciate EP’s professionalism and reactivity when it comes to leading the writing of the proposals and ensuring the overall coherence of the contents. More than once, EP has also been able to recruit key partners to complete the consortium we were building. Last but not least, from a human perspective, we find EP consultants competent and pleasant.
From ESTIA, we recommend Europroject !

Cynthia Lamothe, ESTIA Institute of Technology

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EP have helped us immensely during the proposal writing stage, the fact that this is a professional outfit was obvious from the start. As researchers, we had to provide ideas and text, the rest of the work was entirely down to EP: formatting, checking, design of figures, chasing partners (!) and submitting the proposal. Ultimately, the project EP helped us to write was funded – and there is no better feedback than that.

Martin Lukáč , Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CZU)

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Europroject’s services are a fundamental pillar in project management for me as coordinator of a Flagship H2020 project and all project activities. Including EP among the NAUTILOS project partners has been an essential added value, especially in times of remote meetings and activities where partner interactions and communication is often impeded. I would highly recommend their services as a project manager of large-scale, collaborative projects.

Gabriele Pieri , Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR)


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